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   Jesus said, 

"Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men."

It's what Christ followers for men!

A Ministry Dedicated To

Equipping believers to carry the message of the Gospel to the remaining unreached people of the world



“Through Him and for His name’s sake, we have received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.”   - Romans 1:5                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


Follow us on YouTube for regular devotions and encouragments in evangelism

  • Called To Carry, Intl.


Equipping every believer to be a trained evangelist...a minister of  the Gospel.  Learn about our unique approach to evangelism training that equips the believer to share the Gospel boldly and Biblically with confidence.  


This is an all encompassing approach to evangelism training that you will not find in any evangelism training program.

Reaching young people all over the world in regions that are hostile to the Gospel or entirely closed to the Gospel with this innovative approach to online missions

Online missionaries urgently needed now!!!


We are locating young people all around the world willing to meet with someone live once a week from the West via Zoom 

or WhatsApp to go through the Gospel of John.  

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Join the 1040 Club

Join us to help fulfill a vision to reach every country in the 1040 window with the Gospel every day. 

Learn more about it on the Online Missions page. 

Not familiar with what the 1040 window is and its significance in missions?  Click Here

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   Join in a mass distribution of the Gospel of John both nationally and internationally.

   We've created one of the most unique Gospel of John booklets that exists in the market today.  

   We will be distributing it in print throughout the United States and distributing it electronically

    in our e-book format throughout the entire 1040 window.

   One of the best tools in evangelism that you can use.

   Size of booklet: 4.25"W x 5.5"H

Currently this Gospel of John is available for free in our e-flipbook format.  Save the link in your phone and on your computer so that it is readily available to send out to others.  Click below for the link:


 Click Here for Free Gospel of John E-flipbook 

No effective evangelism will even happen unless preceeded by and combined with a strategic prayer plan.  Prayer comes first.  


Learn about the most powerful and effective model for any evangelistic outreach.  There is no power like it.


Download our free outline on how to conduct an Evangelism Fellowship and put power into your evangelism.

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JERUSALM OUTREACH - The Center of the World

The Gospel started in Jerusalem, went out to all the world, and will end in Jerusalem

"This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem."  -Luke 24:46-47

"The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem."  -Isaiah 2:3

-Training and equipping tourists visiting the Holy Land to share the Gospel with at least one Jewish person.

-A one hour-long workshop in Jewish evangelism to help people better understand the Jewish mindset and how to talk to them.

-Over 500,000 followers of Jesus visit the Holy Land every year.  This is the greatest untapped resource we have to reach the Jews with their Messiah.

"I will bless those who bless you (Israel)."  -Genesis 12:3

The best way that you can bless Israel is by sharing the Gospel with the Jewish people.  What an honor and blessing it is to share their Jewish Messiah with them.  If you or a group you know are coming on a tour to Israel please contact us to schedule a workshop with us.  It will definitely be one of the highlights of your trip that you will never forget.  

Some Statistics About Missions and Evangelism

   Global Statistics: (Statistics sourced from About Missions at

  • Only 1% of global mission funds are going to the work of evangelism to unreached people.

  • 90% of missions work is going to already churched regions, to already reached areas.

  • Only 10% of missions work is going to the truly unreached.   

   Local Statistics: (Statistics sourced from at

  • Less then 2% of believing Christians are actively involved in the ministry of evangelism.

  • 95% of Christians have never won a soul to Christ.

  • 80% of Christians do not consistently witness for Christ.

  • 71% do not give towards the financing of the Great Commission.

Our Biblical Vocation

There is no direct teaching in the Bible as far as our personal vocation is concerned.  A person can do whatever they choose, as long as they are faithful to God in that profession. 


But there is one clear call for our Biblical vocation to the Lord, and it is the only vocation.  We are all called to carry the message of the Gospel to those who haven’t heard.  God has commissioned us to do so.  We do this in all walks of life and in all careers, whether a business person, a civil servant, a teacher, a medical professional or whatever occupation a person finds themselves in.


This is the heart of this ministry, that we all are ones who fulfill our Biblical vocation to spread the Gospel with our life.


It’s what a Christ follower does.


            “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation

of everyone who believes…”  -Romans 1:16

Heart Aligned Ministries
These are ministries that our hearts are aligned with and want to promote their good work to the world.

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